New Black Plants for 2015

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New Black Plants for 2015

Black flowers and plants are a gardener’s dream, especially to those growing a gothic garden or a Victorian black garden. While no flower is truly black in color, some varieties come so close with their deep, rich shades of burgundies, reds, and purple hues that they appear black. Here we take a look at some of the new black plants for 2015, as well as some older favorites that make the perfect addition to a black garden.

NEW Black Flower and Plant Selections

Hellebore, Red Racer

A velvety, deep scarlet colored claret flower that blooms in late winter and early spring. Petals are so dark that they work well in a black garden theme. Foliage first appears a deep burgundy color, then matures to a deep, green color. The Hellebore works well in shady locations and are perfect for beds and borders. Each plant is around 18 to 20 inches tall and spreads a width of 18 to 20 inches. Thrives in growing zones 4 through 8. Plants are very deer resistant.

Hellebore, Red RacerHellebore, Red Racer

Blackberry, Prime-Ark Freedom PPAF

If looking for fruit bearing black plants, this blackberry variety is a primocane, thornless version that in some locations will actually produce fruit in both the early spring and again in the fall. Fruits produced have a very large size, are resistant to disease, have a deep, rich purple-black color, and taste great. A self-fertile plant that requires little attention, it makes a great addition to any home garden in growing zones 6 through 8. Requires full sun and will grow around 5 to 6 feet tall. Primocane means that berries are produced on both old and new branches each growing season.

Blackberry, Prime-Ark Freedom PPAFBlackberry, Prime-Ark Freedom PPAF

Heuchera, Blackout PP

For black plants that can be used as groundcover, this plant features very dark, glossy rounded leaves that appear to be almost black in color. Perfect for shady garden locations, with dark leaves throughout the growing season. Highly resistant to deer. A perennial that grows well in zones 4 through 8.

Heuchera, Blackout PPHeuchera, Blackout PP

Magnolia, Black Tulip PPAF

These compact tree flowers bloom in the spring and produce purplish-black flowers in the form of six inch, goblet shaped blooms. New-Zealand bred, this tree grows best in full sun and requires little pruning. Grows to a height of around eleven and a half feet tall in growing zones 5 through 9.

Magnolia, Black Tulip PPAFMagnolia, Black Tulip PPAF

Currant, Ben Sarak, Black Mid-Season

Plant these deciduous shrubs in full or partial sun in growing zones 3 through 7. Grows to around three feet high and produces conjuring pendant clusters of tasty, large, black berries. A self-fertile and disease resistant variety where fruits can be used in jams, jellies, and wines, as well as eaten directly from the shrub.

Currant, Ben Sarek, Black Mid SeasonCurrant, Ben Sarek, Black Mid Season

Other Black Flowers and Plants

Tulip, Queen Of The Night

One of the most popular black flowers available due to its super dark purple coloring, the exotic looking Queen of the Night tulip is a true springtime beauty. Blooms in late spring and prefers full sun or partial sun. Looks stunning when used in beds, borders, or when cut and placed in fresh floral arrangements. Grows well as a perennial in zones 4 through 8.

Queen of Night TulipQueen of Night Tulip

Eggplant, Black Beauty

Looking for black plants that also provide vegetables? The Black Beauty eggplant is a stunning rich purple color that looks virtually black, as well as being a Burpee favorite for over 100 years! Prefers full sun and produces fruit that ripens much faster than other varieties. Sow seeds indoors for best results.

Eggplant, Black BeautyEggplant, Black Beauty

Fig, Black Mission

If you’re wanting a tree that bears black fruits, the Black Mission fig tree is the perfect choice. Plant in a sunny location in zones 7 through 10 in a place that can accommodate a tree that reaches 10 to 40 feet tall. Produces delicious purple-black fig that are packed with vitamins and perfect for snacking or making homemade jams and jellies. Fruits are pear-shaped with deep purple outsides and red insides.

Fig, Black MissionFig, Black Mission

Tomato, Black Cherry

This heirloom cherry tomato variety bears clusters of deep red one inch tomatoes with a deep red, almost blackish hue. Yields plenty of rich, juicy, sweet tomatoes, perfect for summer gardens and dinner tables. Fits in well with other black flowers and black plants.

Tomato, Black CherryTomato, Black Cherry

Elephant Ear, Black

This is a tropical accent plant with large, very dark purple leaves on stems of three to four feet tall. Great for beds, containers, and borders in sunny locations. Works well for those striving for a tropical look, or for those who desire black plants for a gothic or Victorian black garden theme. Planted as a bulb that should be placed 12 to 18 inches apart from each other.

Elephant Ear, BlackElephant Ear, Black

Centaurea, Black Sprite PPAF

This perennial has purplish-black blooms that resemble spidery starbursts and gray-green silvery foliage. Perfect black flowers for a gothic garden theme due to the spider-like appearance. Grows well in full sun and well drained soil conditions in zones 3 through 9. Drought tolerant and grows to be 12 to 14 inches tall.

Centaurea, Black Sprite PPAFCentaurea, Black Sprite PPAF

Aronia Melanocarpa (Black Chokeberry)

This plant blooms with white flowers in the spring, only to produce black berries in the fall of the year. Chokeberries are delicious and packed full of Vitamin C, and anthocyanins. Makes a great border plant and prefers full sun in growing zones 3 through 8. Grows to be 4 to 5 feet tall.

Aronia melanocarpaAronia melanocarpa

Raspberry, Jewel PP

These black raspberries are a super deep shade of purple and grow on vigorous upright plants that produce large, firm berries. A hardy plant that grow well in sunny locations in zones 5 through 8. Grows to be around four to five feet tall and is disease resistant.

Raspberry, Jewel PPRaspberry, Jewel PP

Petunia, Black Cat

An exclusive from Burpee, the Black Cat is the world’s only “black” petunia. The velvety looking petunias make a great addition to beds, borders, or containers and thrive in full sun. Early blooming plants with mound appearance that grow to about 12 inches tall.

Petunia, Black CatPetunia, Black Cat

Tomato, Black Krim Heirloom Organic

This is a very dark maroon beefsteak tomato of medium size that possesses a rich tomato flavor. Skin appears a deep reddish-black and fruits weigh approximately 8 ounces each. Thrives in full sun. This variety originated in Crimea, a peninsula in the Black Sea, but now you can add it as a welcome addition to other black flowers and black plants.

Tomato, Black Krim Heirloom OrganicTomato, Black Krim Heirloom Organic

Pinterest Party Spring Blog Hop

This post is part of the Pinterest Party Spring Blog Hop. The Pinterest Party is a group that helps people grow their Pinterest following. Find other posts in this blog hop below:


20 Paula Atwell New Black Plants for 2015 (me)

21 Bev Owens

22 Katy Mitchell –

23 Mamta Motiyani –

24 Chrisy Gallagher Kostecke-

25 Kristen Carrasco – Easy DIY Easter Bunny Cake

26 Elyn MacInnis – Make spaghetti from vegetables – with pistachio sauce!

28 Tracey Boyer –

29 Amanda Brackney –

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About Paula Atwell

Paula Atwell is a freelance writer who admires beautiful flowers and a good cup of coffee in the morning.


  1. What a great collection of black and really dark plants and flowers, fruits and vegetables! There are a lot here I am interested in. I was trying to decide my favorite, but I couldn’t. Maybe the black cat petunia? It would be really pretty in front of a house with black doors and shutters.

  2. I never realized there were so many black plants, especially flowers. A few years ago my friend grew black hollyhocks and said they were gorgeous. I’d really love to have some blackberry bushes in my garden but first I need a good plan to deal with the birds. Thanks for sharing all these lovelies!

  3. Wow I have no clue there were so many black plants and you have such a great variety, thanks for sharing

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