Black Sprite, Centaurea, Looks Like It Has Fingers - Black Flowers

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Black Sprite, Centaurea, Looks Like It Has Fingers

Black SpriteThe Black Sprite, Centaurea is a compact plant with purplish black blooms that have a “spidery” look to them, as well as greenish-gray foliage. The Black Sprite prefers full sun, well- drained soil, and are resistant to drought and deer. They should be planted in areas that receive several hours of full sun each day.This perennial flower grows well in zones 3 through 9, and will reach a height of twelve to twenty four inches. The plants will spread out in an area of about 18 to 24 inches, so be sure to space them accordingly to prevent crowding. They can be purchased as a plant from your local garden center.

With their spidery appearance, these flowers will work well with other almost black flowers in a garden with a gothic theme. Being of the Cornflower type of flowers, these will work well when planted in a naturalized garden setting or when used as a border in the middle or back of the garden. Blooming season for the Black Sprite occurs during the months of July and August. If the plant is sheared after the first blooming, it may bloom a second time in later summer.

‘Black Sprite’ Bachelor’s Button Perennial

For the perfect gothic look, plant the Centaurea among other black flowers, deep reds, dark maroons, or very deeply colored purple flowers. The Black Sprite provides great contrast when planted among lower growing perennials. Make sure to include some other plants that will bloom during the same time as the Centaurea, as well as adding early blooming additions such as the Queen of the Night Tulip and the Black Calla Lily.

By experimenting with different plants and arrangements, and perhaps by adding a few items of interest to the garden such as a stone gargoyle statue, you can create a gothic garden to be enjoyed for years to come.

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About Paula Atwell

Paula Atwell is a freelance writer who admires beautiful flowers and a good cup of coffee in the morning.

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