Black Lily

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Black Lily

Black Charm LilyBlack flowers add a touch of mystery and elegance to any garden or floral arrangement in which they are placed. While there are no flowers that are a true black in color, some come so close due to their deep. rich red or purple tones, that they actually appear black. The Black Lily is no exception, with the Lily ‘Black Jewel’ and the Lily ‘Black Charm’ being two of the darkest lily varieties available to date.

Lily ‘Black Charm’ and Lily ‘Black Jewel’

First we will discuss the ‘Black Charm’. This type of lily, also known as the Asiatic Lily, is very rare. Featuring black-red petals that possess a satiny shimmer, this lovely flower forms large blooms that resemble a trumpet shape. The bold flowers really stand out among the glossy green leaves and stems, adding a touch of drama wherever they are grown. Another rare Black Lily, the Lily ‘Black Jewel’ features very large purplish-black flowers. The ‘Black Charm’ appears to be closer to an actual black in color, whereas the ‘Black Jewel’ has more of the deep purple tones.

How to Plant and Care for Black Lilies

Black Jewel LilyBoth of these black lily varieties are planted from bulbs and prefer a sunny or semi shady location. Prepare the soil for planting bulbs by adding garden compost or manure to the soil before planting. Lilies prefer soil that is neutral to acidic in nature, and will thrive in the presence of soil that contains plenty of organic matter. It is best to choose a location where the lilies are somewhat sheltered, such as against a house or building, so that their flowering heads can get sunlight while the root areas remain shaded. During the growing season, feed and water your lilies on a regular basis, making sure to keep the soil moist. It is also important to deadhead faded blooms to prevent seed pods from forming.

Lilies will grow to be about 30 inches tall, and bulbs should be planted around 8 inches apart from each other. Blooming season is during the months of June, July, and August. Allow leaves to remain on the plant until they naturally die off in the fall, as they provide nutrition for the bulb to help ensure blooming the following season. Bulbs for these rare, exotic flowers may be purchased from such online garden sites such as Thompson and Morgan, but unfortunately at this time it appears they are only shipping to addresses within the United Kingdom.

When colder months approach, black lily bulbs may be left in the ground where planted, especially in milder climates. They may also be lifted out of the ground, cleaned off, and stored for the winter months to be re-planted in the spring. When the bulbs are planted in containers, it is advisable to either lift the bulbs from the soil or move the container into a location free from frost, such as to a garage or basement for storage during winter.

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Where to Use Black Lilies in the Garden

Lilies make an excellent addition to any patio, flower bed, border, or even contemporary container plantings. Due to their exotic color, the black lily also makes the perfect addition to any exotic garden. Planted with other “black” flowers, deep maroon or red flowers, or dark purple flowers, the black lily also adds a colorful and interesting focal point to any gothic themed garden.

The lily also makes an excellent cut flower and is great for planting in “cut flower gardens”. After cutting, the lily will last for around a period of two weeks when brought indoors and placed in water. Adds dramatic impact to any floral arrangement or bouquet.

Other Uses for these Interesting Flowers

The black lily will look great when planted among other dark flowers and makes a great background flower for planting arrangements due to its height. Looks great in mass plantings all along the side of a house or garage. Great for planting among flowers of much lighter color to add an element of contrast and really make your garden stand out.

When used as a cut flower, combine with other dark flowers for a dramatic and bold arrangement. Or, try using these combined with other black flowers along with white flowers for a bold and classic black and white arrangement.

How to plant and care for black lilies

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About Paula Atwell

Paula Atwell is a freelance writer who admires beautiful flowers and a good cup of coffee in the morning.

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