Bat Orchid

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Bat Orchid

Bat OrchidCoryanthes speciosa, or the Bat Orchid, also sometimes referred to as the Bucket Orchid, is a very unusual and interesting plant. This flower is native to South America where it can be found growing in the wild. The plant tends to be found growing among anthills where the petals attract bees. As the bees approach this plant, they become trapped and are then led into a narrow tunnel in the flower where they will collect its pollen on their way out. Butterflies and birds are also attracted to the bat orchid and its fragrant blooms. This is a flower that does not set seed and produces sterile flowers.

Because there are no seeds produced in the bat orchid, propagation must be done by dividing the bulbs, rhizomes, or tubers. In some areas, the bat orchid may be considered to be a protected species of plant. This plant prefers to be planted in a shady area with partial to full shade, and requires acidic soil with a pH level ranging from below 4.5 to 6.0. This plant is possible to keep as an indoor plant, however, because of its unique dark flowers that appear almost black in color and just happen to resemble a bat, they would make the perfect addition to any gothic garden theme.


5 BAT FLOWER (Cats Whiskers / Devil Flower) Tacca Chantrieri Flower Seeds5 BAT FLOWER (Cats Whiskers / Devil Flower) Tacca Chantrieri Flower Seeds


These unique flowers will provide spooky looking blooms from mid spring through the middle of the autumn season. Make sure to plant a variety of flowers that will bloom through various stages of the growing season to make sure your mysterious garden is blooming with color as much as possible. Some possible options to plant along with the bat orchid include the Black Calla Lily, Black Hollyhocks, Black Pansies, and even deeply colored vegetable plants. Anything with deep. dark tones of reds, burgundies, and purples will fit right in with the gothic garden theme.

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About Paula Atwell

Paula Atwell is a freelance writer who admires beautiful flowers and a good cup of coffee in the morning.

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