Bowles Black Viola: The Perfect Black Flower

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Bowles Black Viola: The Perfect Black Flower

Bowles Black ViolaBefore starting with your gothic garden project you need to know and consider a lot of things. These include the types of plants and flowers to plant in the garden, the different types of accessories which will complement with theme, and other accent pieces which will help tie up the whole idea. Dark and mysterious are often the two words which best describe a gothic style garden that is why when planning for plants and flowers to incorporate in this type of garden you have to consider the color of the plants.

Dark flowers, spooky looking plants, and shadowy vines are perfect for a garden which follows a gothic theme. When we talk about black flowers, the Bowles Black Viola is always first on the list. The black violas are considered to be among the very few flowers which are truly black in color, perfect for a shady and mysterious gothic garden.

What are the characteristics of Bowles Black Viola? The blooms of black violas are small and come with golden yellow centers. These are often short lived but are self seeding so you need to plant these usually only once. The leaves can reach up to 1 and ¾ inches and are heart shaped. If you want a low maintenance plant which complements your garden design then this one is a winner.

The Black Viola usually blooms during mid spring to mid fall. When taking care of this flower you need to know that this loves sandy to loam types of soil. Water requirement is usually between normal and moist in order to grow healthy. A moist soil enjoys water up to 18 inches in depth without drying out. Full sunlight is perfect for the black violas where you can expect the plants to grow at their full potential and provide the most optimum number of blooms. Partial sunlight may be enough but don’t expect the flowers to be as vibrant and as healthy compared with those which receive full sunlight benefit. When planting this flower consider spacing between 6 and 8 inches.

Bowles Black Viola 60 Seeds – GOTHIC

To make your gothic garden unique you should consider combining different aspects of the garden including the variety of plants and flower, accessories, and accents among others. Most often it is desirable to combine a variety of black colored plants and flowers. You can also add different uncommon types of vegetables and carnivorous plants to make your garden more interesting and stimulating.

Creating a gothic garden is indeed challenging but when you know what flowers, plants, and accessories to use, the task becomes less difficult. Explore your creativity and imagination in order to create a successful gothic garden that will serve to amaze other garden lovers.

Finally, the use of black plants like the Bowles Black Viola will help create the dark garden sanctuary you want to have at home. Add some menacing looking gargoyles to complement the entire gothic theme. It is fun and exciting to create something out of the ordinary where you can be truly proud of yourself and share this with friends and family. Start planning your gothic garden today and add mystery to your outdoor space with the bowles black viola.

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About Paula Atwell

Paula Atwell is a freelance writer who admires beautiful flowers and a good cup of coffee in the morning.

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